Would you like to rediscover the joy of living? Biodanza is a well-established system of personal development. Popular in Latin America and Europe, it uses music and movement as a way to develop healthy and balanced relationship with ourselves and others. A powerful tool to reduce stress, improve self-esteem, self-confidence…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…

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