
Read Ruth Estevez’s latest article on biodanza and her view on Marcus Stueck’s workshop in Manchester on October 2016. To read the article click here

The Biodanza session opened the second day of Community Psychology Festival, which was attended by 110 people, most of whom participated. The session was organised in a way that enabled everyone, whatever their experiences, to join in. Participants found the session inspirational and for many it was the highlight of the Festival.    Read more…
Professor Carolyn Kagan, Chair, Community Psychology Section of the British Psychological Society

I can’t remember how many years I’ve been part of Biodanza here in Manchester but it doesn’t really matter because all that matters is that it’s part of my life. There have been months when I haven’t been able to make a session and when that happens, I find that in every sense, I miss it. What do I miss? Apart from the people I feel very connected to now, it is the reminder that the child in me is always there, non-judgemental, playful and uninhibited.
Biodanza reminds me in this busy, distracting world, to take time and listen with my senses, to look into another person’s eyes long enough to connect with them and for them to see me and not look away.    
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Ruth Estevez, writer, lecturer and regular Biodanza participant


Anticipation for this monthly session in Manchester was high. Augusto Madelena, the Director of the Biodanza School in Zaragoza, Spain was coming to town! Excitement mounted. Calm, cool, beautifully dressed, he carried his coffee into the room. Read more..

Ruth Estevez, writer, lecturer and regular Biodanza participant


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