Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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More information: The Winter Retreat
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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Come and unleash the artist of your life! The practice of Biodanza helps us to rescue our natural capacity for spontaneous self-expression and gives our creative impulses a chance to shine! With the line of creativity, Biodanza also reminds us that the most important thing to create is our own…
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Come and unleash the artist of your life! The practice of Biodanza helps us to rescue our natural capacity for spontaneous self-expression and gives our creative impulses a chance to shine! With the line of creativity, Biodanza also reminds us that the most important thing to create is our own…
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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Come and dance with us at these regular Biodanza sessions, facilitated by Maria Canizalez-Jerez. We do around a dozen exercises, all designed to stimulate and develop your motor, sensory and affective integration. Feel the music and discover your own unique quality of movement. Every dance in Biodanza is an invitation. We wear…
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